framework frame·work/ˈfrāmˌwərk/ (noun) - “an essential supporting structure of a building, vehicle, or object.”
The definition of framework can extend from the physical form of structures such as buildings, vehicles or objects to abstract functionalities found in computer science providing generic tools for engineers to utilize. These definitions are synonymous in regard to providing a concept of necessity for essential supporting structures within any architecture; the larger the construct, the more support necessary. When dealing with superstructures, being a building or a powerful program, these supporting structures provide a skeleton to build from. This realization creates a logical platform why it is necessary to learn, and continue learning frameworks as they are released.
A competative market has provided a marketplace of different user interfaces striving to provide the best solution to programmers needs. Each toolbox has it’s strengths and weaknesses, left to the developer/programmer to overcome said weaknesses while exploiting it’s strengths. This fluidity enhances skillsets and can open doors to new ideas. The small inconvenience of learning will pay dividends when able to implement at a programmers disposal. In the age of rapid growth, learning and implementing new UI frameworks are vital if one is to remain relevant in the technology field. Professor Dusko Pavlovic of University of Hawaii at Manoa stated in his final lecture of Fall 2017: “When you graduate, much of what you have learned will already be obsolete. You must keep learning to keep up with the fast moving technology of tomorrow.”
My personal experience with Semantic UI as the first framework I’ve worked with has been excellent to say the least. The coding is concise and direct, much like the mentality of underscore. I have been intimidated by html for far too long and this framework has made the learning process easy and obtainable. I look forward to learning new frameworks that may be “better” than Semantic UI, from a subjective point of view.